Monday 2 April 2018

While we’d all like to believe that our dogs would stand up for us if we were physically attacked by somebody, new research shows that our dogs will at least remember anybody who has been mean to us  or they think is not a nice character. Maybe they sense – so much so that they will refuse to take treats from the “mean” person!

I have noticed that my chirpy, friendly little dog will suddenly take against someone for no reason. Dogs remember those who ill treated them as puppies or those who bellowed at them when no one else was around.  How often have you said "I don't know why my dog doesn't like that person." Dogs are intuitive and they can sense it when someone is a hypocrite.

There are people who are unfriendly to me when I am with the dog and others who will greet me like an old mate. My dog watches and when the nice person hands them a treat they will happily take it but when the mean person hands them a treat they will ignore them and back away.

 This would seem to indicate that dogs remember who is isn’t nice and they hold it against them.
So the next time your dog decides they don’t like somebody, it might be worth listening to them! Your best friend is just looking out for you.

My goodness! How tempus does fugit? Suddenly its April,  and the house  has begun to look dusty and crammed with junk. I decided it was time for a good spring clean. Shaking off the winter inertia, I rolled up my sleeves, and Operation Declutter got underway. I turfed out all sorts of things I'd forgotten about - two rusty fencing epees, a fencing suit that would have fitted a stick insect (I can't believe I was ever that size), two navy captain hats (from those days when we had a gleaming, white gin palace of a boat), a Fred Astaire pop up top hat and cane, and so many wooden vegetable steamers that I must have gone mad buying them in different sizes in chinese supermarkets. Better still,  the linen cupboard had a bunch of abandoned towels that Dog's Trust and Mayhew Homes were only too happy to use. Second hand is great. Second paw is even better! So if you have any threadbare towels hanging around, donate them to a dog charity. They will thank you for them.

How tender and caring is this man in making sure his dog stays dry in the rain?An elderly man in the Philippines truly loves and cares for his dog as he takes extra time to make sure the dog is prepared for a bicycle ride in the rain. I love how simple an act of kindness this is for the dog and how much the dog seems to appreciate having his human care for him. Filmed at the Agdao Market in Davao City by Alilee Shalom Galilee.


That's it for this month. See you in May when I send out the next blog relating to dogs.

                                                        Dawn ("")

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