Sunday 16 July 2017


"Boogers" is one of those slang words for eye gunge that collects around your dog's eyes every morning. The technical name for boogers is Rheum but since none of us go around saying "My dog's got Rheum!" we use terms such as yukky eyes, sleep, gunge, snoort and boogers.
Eye mucus in dogs is normal and can be caused by a number of things ranging from dust, viruses or allergies and apart from looking dirty and unsightly, is not harmful to the dog. However, excessive discharge (especially when it's yellow or yellow-green) could be a sign of an infection, glaucoma or other eye problems — and in the worst case scenario, it could mean a brain or nerve injury.

The most effective and easiest way to clean your dog's boogers is by using baby wipes every morning. This stops the gunk from congealing and becoming a hard crust at the corners of the eyes.  Sometimes if you leave it too long, it becomes hard and can be painful for the dog when you start using your finger to pick it off.  Warm water and cotton wool is the least painful way to get it off. 

Another way to keep your eyes clean is by smearing a light coating of Vaseline under the eyes and this stops the boogers from congealing into a hard crust.

Daily boogers are not harmful and since dogs are not kitted out with sun glasses, it simply means that the dog is picking up dust and other pollutants on its daily walk.

Pup yap trivia.................

The hot weather brings out all things jumping and itchy.  Creatures nearest to the ground, of course, are dogs, so fleas and ticks can sense a nice warm body passing by and hitch a lift.  Make sure you have dabbed Advantage or other flea repellents on your dog to not only kill off the fleas but the eggs too.  A good holistic way to repel ticks and fleas is by dabbing lavender oil along your dog's back down to the top of the tail.

Did you know that one of the best ways of removing a tick is to put a drop of lavender oil on it. It detaches itself off the body and moves away fast. Its probably the fastest you will ever see a tick move! That way you  don't run the risk of pulling it off and leaving the mouth still attached. Another good method is to put a blob of cooking oil on the tick. This suffocates it and it drops off but the risk is that you don't know where it ends up and you could find a squashy bloodied mess somewhere.

                                                     Something to make you chuckle!

If you enjoyed reading my blog, pass it onto other doggy people. Meanwhile stay fresh and cool! I'll be back with the next blog in August.

                                                        Dawn ("..")

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