Tuesday 7 March 2017

Your dog tries many times to tell you something but you are either not listening or just not tuned in enough to pick up the signals.

For instance, when your dog dog wags its tail in a circular fashion while seemingly smiling at you with bright eyes, that says "I really love you and I am happy with what you just said/gave me/showed me." Many times Ive heard people remark that their dog is happy when what I can see is a totally different message coming through.

If you are chatting and gabbing away to people in the park or the street, your dog barks incessantly. This is telling you to "Stop! let's get on with it. I'm bored. c'mon! c'mon! hurry up" and the owner usually pats dog on head and says "Shush! he always does this when I am talking to people." instead of putting up one hand, palm towards dog to indicate  "In a minute!"

Other Things Your Dog Does When He's Trying To Tell You Something.

It's common for dog owners to refer to themselves as their pets' parents, and there's a kind of logic to that. When you do this, you're telling people that you love and care for your dog as you would your own children.
But a lot of parents could tell you there's another element to this too. Much as with kids, you can love your pets and not understand them at the same time. But while parents might be confused about whatever hip new phrase their kid keeps spouting, they have the luxury of otherwise speaking the same language.

Not so with pet owners. So until someone finally invents a dog-to-human translator, you're going to have to learn to read your dog's body language.
With that in mind, here are a few common behaviours dogs will show around their owners and what they could mean.

Constant eye contact.  

Now, this one depends a lot on how the dog is looking at you. But if her expression is normal and she's staring into your eyes, it's a pretty powerful way of showing affection.  Researchers in Japan found a link between this eye contact and increased levels of oxytocin, a hormone that affects how we express attachment and nurturing qualities.

Bringing things to you. 
You might think that he/she wants to play fetch, especially if they are bringing you a toy. What your dog may be doing instead is giving you a 'prezzie'. It's apparently a leftover of the dog's hunting instincts, only he's bringing you something he thinks you'll like or need instead of dead prey.

Raising one paw in the air while crouching down. 

If your dog is doing this while focusing with her head down, you might want to get out of her way. It means she's getting ready to pounce on some prey, usually a bird or another on-coming dog.

Hunching over and making himself look small or rolling onto its back. 

This means that the dog is scared, showing submission and doesn't want to do something you have ordered him to do. If you meet a dog who does this without any good reason, there's a good chance he gets yelled at often or was been set upon by a bigger dog when it was a puppy.  (This sign is awful for the owner who has to constantly explain that they have never lifted a finger to the dog in anger or beat them!)

Trivia ............
Hands up if you already knew this! 
In Iran, it is against the law to own a dog as a pet. However, if an owner can prove the dog is a guard or hunting dog, this restriction doesn’t apply. Muslim reticence concerning dogs is perhaps due to the fact that rabies has always been endemic in the Middle East.  (So that's why, middle east visitors to the park run a mile when approached by dogs).

Every dog owner will relate to this video clip. Dog doesn't want to leave park. Have you noticed how your own dogs suddenly looks brow beaten, shoulders down, with a hang dog expression as they trot back to the car?

Have an enjoyable March and wrap up warm as Spring hasn't been told that we have more freezing weather to come!

                                                              Dawn (.^.)

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