Monday 1 February 2016


Dogs are a man's best friend.  That well may be the case, but what are they like towards their own four-legged mates.  In my expeience, loyalty flies out of the window when it comes to food, treats or being told off.  The evidence in this clip proves that a dog will quite happily tell a fib rather than get a telling off. 

The owner found an 'accident' in her kitchen and despite guessing that it might be her terrier, Judy, she decided to ask the question "Who did that?"  Without missing a beat, the terrier quickly lifts its front paw and implicates the hapless companion, Sunny.  The terrier gave it the full works of doe eyes and appealing face.  Im not sure which action is funnier, that Judy looks as if she understands whats being asked of her, or that she is willing to do the dirty on Sunny for a crime she didn't commit without even blinking.

Dogs are quite adept at fibs when it comes to meal times. How often has your dog looked at someone in your household appealingly at mid day, picked up its bowl and thrown it across the floor as if to say "Im starving! No one has fed me today!"  That's lying isn't?  Or the dog that wants a treat knowing that it needs to do a pee before it gets one, will walk around the pot plants and come back as if to say "There! Ive done my business. Now where's my treat?"

We have all, at one time or another, seen evidence of dogs that behave like little liars, so in my book, dogs do tell fibs. Its in their genes. And the next time you think to yourself: "aren't my dogs adorable?"  Don't be so sure because they are just as devious as human beings.
                                                                       This and that ...............

* Well! January was a bit pants wasn't it? Dull, grey, wet and depressing. Bet you've given up on the exercise regime already!
*The good thing to look forward to is that the daffs are waiting for that magic moment to burst into colour. In fact, many places already have clumps of flowering daffs making a grey, dull day into something to smile about.
*Saw Benedict Cumberbach being interviewed  on TV and I notice he says "Peng-wings" instead of "Penguins."That's in the same league as people who say "Sangwiches"; "Percific" instead of Specific and my favourite is "Muriel" instead of mural

That's it for this month. Have an enjoyable February and don't forget to toss those pancakes on February 9th.

                                                              ("") Dawn

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