Tuesday 14 January 2014

New year...... new you....... new dog!

Only kidding! You're still the same old you, we're still the same old us, you haven't recycled the dog and we're still in the same old beautiful world. And we wouldn't have it any other way would we?   
                                         Happy new year! 

I trust you've recycled your Christmas tree sustainably. You've ironed out the used wrapping paper. You've trimmed the Christmas cards you received to be made into next year's home-made Christmas cards or gift tags. You've looked round at your cupboards and shelves, and thought about having a clear-out.    
And now you and the dog have gone on a diet-and-detox programme to lose those extra pounds gained from over eating.

Here are some basic, common sense rules for helping your furry friend to become svelte and trim again.

Exercising your dog in the morning is far better than midday or at night. By walking your dog in the morning you dog’s metabolism will be primed to burn fat all day long, even when lolling around in its basket.  Walking your dog before breakfast in a fasted state helps to increase the amount of fat calories burned per week. (This also works great for people who would like to lose a few pounds.)
Don’t use people foods as dog treats; instead use healthy dog treats like carrots or celery. These treats can still allow you to reward your dog without adding unnecessary calories. Don’t think your dog will eat carrots. Give it a try; you’ll be surprised. On the other hand, you could end up with a carpet load of spat-out carrot chewings. Sorry about that!
Spend some quality time playing with your dog
Dogs love it if you play a little game of tug or throw the ball down the hall.  Just 10 minutes of your time will make your dog the happiest creature ever.
A little grooming or some stoking/massage
A little brush down to get rid of loose fur, dirt and anything else stuck to the coat will stop your dog from rolling in wet grass or mud the next time you go out.  Dogs roll in dust or anything abrasive when they have itchy skins.

These are a few tips will help your dog to be healthy, happy and look trimmer, so that you can both enjoy the coming months of 2014.

One of those urban myths.......

Did you know that when your dog is circling ready to go poo, it is because it is trying to find south? The position has to be just right. That magnetic force field somehow makes it more comfortable for them. Who knew such things? Personally, I think thats a load of tosh. Just as people don't like to go just anywhere, dogs have to get it right too.

This video is for all my cat owning friends who whinge that I never, ever feature anything about cats. So, specially for you, here's a compilation video titled "You Shall not pass, Dog!"

I hope that if dogs ever take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with really good ideas.
Until the next blog.

Dawn (")

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