Thursday 4 April 2013


The next time your dog's coat looks dry, flaky and a tad manky - and it is constantly shaking its head,  scratching behind the ears with a hind leg that looks like a whirling propeller working overtime, pick up a magnifying glass and take a look at one of the flakes.  Dandruff doesn't move, but "walking dandruff", is the common name for a weeny, mobile parsite called Cheyletiella.  

This mite is the cause of walking dandruff, also called Cheyletiellosis. The unusual name comes from the motion of the visible mites, which makes the dandruff appear to "walk" on the infected individual. These "boochies" ( as my childhood african nanny used to  call anything creepy crawly), pretend to be flaky skin, They constantly move around the skin, searching for food - causing itchy, red patches on both you and your dog.

Walking dandruff isn't a serious problem but they do make the dog very itchy and they are contagious - to other pets and to humans.  Sometimes if left untreated, it will cause mange and bald patches on your dog.  Puppies seem to be the main carriers and if you have a puppy that you carry around, and suddenly get get itchy spots, then you too have picked up walking dandruff.  These days a good shower with a medicated body wash will get rid of it. In the old days you would have had to get a jab from a dermatologist.  I know, because I've been there!

OK but let's not panic! Walking dandruff isn't  life threatening nor difficult to treat and can be cleared up quickly by dunking the dog in a bath of shampoo containing Pyrethrin. Selsun shampoo is pretty effecive in killing off the mites. A good chemist will stock it. The online pet supplies and do sell a selection of Pyrethrin based shampoos.  Another very effective shampoo is Malaseb that you can get from the vet.

To avoid a recurrance, its best to give the carpets and furniture a thorough clean up to get rid of the dead scales and any lurking mites, otherwise a few months later they will come marching back again.

Home remedy
My home remedy of  a  diluted cider vinegar rinse  applied with some cotton wool over the itchy areas, is great for  humans and pets with skin conditions as it kills off any skin irritation and neutralises stinging and itching. Supermarket cider vinegar will do the trick so don't be schmoozed into buying 'organic' cider vinegar. Cheap and cheerful will do just as well. The  only downside of slathering the dog in vinegar is the pungent, penetrating smell that lingers for a few minutes.

 Now that you are scratching like mad just reading about walking dandruff, I think its time to take your mind off the subject by getting you to watch this charming little clip of a clever bird fishing for its dinner using logic and intelligence. Who said our feathered friends were bird brained?
 (Thank you to Rita Morris in Devon, retired production manager on the  early BBC David Attenborough Wild Life series now being repeated on the satellite channels, for sending me this clip for inclusion in this weeks's blog). Nice one Reet!

                                              Now didn't that make you say "Aww! sweet!"

Have a nice week and if you have any interesting items you want me to include on this page, email them to me.

Dawn (")

c'mon folks! do your bit for a worthy cause and help raise money for the Brain Tumour Research Campaign

                                                       Magic Wand Dog Show 13 April 2013

Enjoy a great day out with your pampered pooch– there will be 15 fun competition classes, such as “The Waggiest Tail”, “The Best Golden Oldie”, or “Most like the Owner” judged by celebrities. Entertainment such as “Musical Mats” and dog agility displays; side attractions such as dog tombola, culminating in a dog fashion show! Download the programme opposite.

It will be a fun day for all to enjoy – especially your dogs! There is no need to book in advance, just come along on the day!

Dovehouse Green, Kings Road, SW3 (next to Chelsea Fire Station)
10.30am to 4.30pm

Why not enter the Online Photo Competition now for a chance to win a Spa Day for your dog, kindly donated by Harrods. The winner will be announced at the Dog Show

I look forward to seeing you and your canine companion at the show!

Kind regards,

Wendy Fulcher
BTRC Founder
Direct Line: +44 (0)20 8601 2402
Brain Tumour Research Campaign
12-15 Hanger Green
W5 3EL

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