Sunday 2 December 2018

What is a zoomie?

WHAT IS A "ZOOMIE?"        

"Zoomie" seems to be an American word that a lot of people are using to describe their dog's behaviour.         
It is a delightfully descriptive term used to describe your dog having a mad moment when it decides to zoom around the park, your garden or your living room.  I call it a "wheeee" moment when your dog feels and shows that life is wonderful.

Of course, there is always somebody who has to get all pedantic and put a real name to the zoomies… They call it FRAPs (Frenetic Random Activity Periods). Or maybe it was a FRAP before it was a zoomie, but never the less, Zoomies is a more descriptive term and sums up the behaviour perfectly.

Are the Zoomies a Bad Thing?

Depends on the degree to which your dog acts it out. Most dogs just tuck in their bottoms and do the crazy running and circling at full speed, in which case, the zoomies are not a bad thing… actually somewhat fun and entertaining to watch! However, some dogs will get destructive during the zoomies, i.e., nipping, bouncing off  furniture or people, tug-of-war with household items, in which case the zoomies can be bad. Also, large dogs who go into a zoomies tailspin can unintentionally be destructive and in some cases, dangerous. Although there is one school of thought that suggests the zoomies may be rooted in a behavioural issue, provoked by anxiety, stress, or other emotional discord, most believe it to be normal conduct in dogs at some point in their lives.

As far as I am concerned, the Zoomies is a form of happiness proving that your dog is enjoying life and having a great time. The reality is that this explosion of intense energy appears to be truly a happy, exhilarating undertaking for your dog. There is excitement, a twinkling in the eyes, tail held high, and what’s that – a smile on the face? Did I hear a woo-hoo?!? After a zoomie, your pup is content and relaxed… Satisfied and ready to cuddle. That can’t be all bad, right? You can't ask for more than that and I, for one, will never try and stop it.

                                             .........some trivia .......

Try not to panic but only 23 days of frenetic activity to reach the 25th December and here are the tacit rules that everyone seems to abide by to make it through the month.
.. Little choccies must be hidden behind numbered doors.
.. All bells are legally required to jingle.
.. Halls must be decked.
.. TV ads are acceptable small chat topics.
.. The end of the Sellotape will be impossible to find.
.. Michael Buble will appear on every chat show on TV.
.. Everyone must talk about a white Christmas although it never happens.
.. Fa must be followed by 8 Las.
.. The Argos catalogue becomes a must read.
.. The song "Driving Home for  Christmas"will follow you everywhere. 
.. You are legally required to say "only 3 more weeks then the evenings get lighter."             

                 Here's a heartwarming video of a dog named Stella having a wonderful zoomie.

                                    Have a very jolly holly and I will send out the next blog in January.
                                    If you have enjoyed reading it, please pass it on to other dog owning 

                                                                         Dawn (''')