Monday 12 February 2018


All that screeching of "Come here".... "stop doing that ".... "what are you eating"......"stop pulling" ....."stop barking" - and- the phrase that sets my teeth on edge "be nice" are habits that shows that an owner has no control whatsoever on their animal.  They misbehave because in their mind you are a push over and he/she is top dog in your relationship.

You get to be top dog by acting exactly as a dog does, challenging your dog and making sure that you win. You know those moments when they won't come back when you call;  races off to join a group or chase birds and you are screaming at the top of your voice to get them back. Your methods of challenging them is a bit different though. Where as two dogs will challenge each other by stiff-legged standoffs or fighting, you use a series of very effective situations that are set up so that you know for sure that you will win.  I know, I know, you are stacking the decks against your dog. By making sure that you will win, because you won't accept anything else less than your dog's complete acceptance that you are boss. Your job is to progress through an entire series of challenges and win every one of them. The process is called obedience training. It teaches your dog that in every situation they must do what you say, even though they may not have done things that way if left to his/her own choices.

What happens when a dog fully accepts you as top dog? A huge burden is removed from their mind. They have trusted you in all sorts of ways, and in each one you made sure that they did what you said, whether they agreed with you or not. They know that you are trustworthy, smarter and stronger and will make good decisions. they will then relax and simply do what you tell them or what you allow. They don't have to be constantly vigilant for danger outside the pack; you, as pack leader will do that. All they has to do is obey your commands. It is reassuring to them and makes them a calmer animal.


By the way,
Happy Valencakes Day
For the first time in 73 years, Pancake Day and Valentine's Day happen to fall consecutively on the 13th and 14th February. I think this calls for a big cakey love blowout, along with a brand new holiday - Valencakes Day.

......and the times they are a-changing.   Only 42 days to putting your clocks forward. Sunday March 25 is the day to fiddle with all the clocks and watches in your house so if you want to be on time for work/gardening/sitting around in your pyjamas watching re-runs of Midsomer Murder, then you might want to consider changing them. Just thought I would remind you! Oh! You're more than welcome!

       Now here's a well trained dog who brings home the cat after a night out on the tiles!

                                                                 Dawn ("") xx

Monday 5 February 2018


Benefits of Coconut Oil for Dogs with Arthritis

Many pet owners prefer not to treat a dog’s arthritis pain with prescription drugs for fear of common side effects or worsening symptoms.  Instead, there are a number of natural or holistic treatments available, with one being coconut oil.  In recent years, coconut oil has had a surge in popularity for multiple reasons.  Not only are there numerous health benefits when added to food, but coconut oil has hundreds of uses around the house, as well.  In particular, coconut oil has been found to help relieve joint pain among canine arthritis sufferers, which is welcome news for many pet owners.
What is coconut oil?
Coconut oil is produced from fresh coconut meat that has been dried and expeller pressed.  Unlike other dietary oils, such as olive or canola, coconut oil is approximately 90% saturated fat.  Although saturated fat typically is considered “bad,” the saturated fat in coconut oil has a different makeup than most other bad fats.  Coconut oil consists mostly of medium-chain triglycerides, which have been touted recently for their important health benefits.  In comparison to long chain fatty acids, medium chain triglycerides have been suggested to improve metabolism, support the immune system, and boost collagen production.
What are the benefits of coconut oil for dogs with arthritis?
Feeding your arthritic dog coconut oil daily can improve his or her mobility and lessen pain.  The medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil include caprylic, decanoic, lauric, myristic, palmitic, and oleic acids.  Some of these acids have been suggested to help reverse the ligament damage that aggravates arthritis symptoms.
What are the additional benefits to my dog?
Besides providing relief to bones and joints, coconut oil can also help your pet lose weight and regulate thyroid function.  If your pet has skin allergies, the acids in coconut oil can help soothe red, itchy skin, and can also aid digestion.  Dogs will dull coats will get a boost from the medium chain triglycerides found in the oil, leading to a stronger, shinier fur.
How much coconut oil should I give my dog?
When first administering coconut oil to your dog, you should start with a small amount until he or she adapts.  Initially, provide ¼ teaspoon to small dogs, and up to one teaspoon for large dogs daily.  Gradually increase the amount to one tablespoon coconut oil per 30 lbs of weight.  Also beware that there are a number of types of coconut oil on the market.  Extra virigin coconut oil (i.e. unrefined) provides maximal health benefits.
Are there any side effects of coconut oil?
In general, few side effects exist when giving your dog coconut oil.  For dogs with sensitive stomachs, they may experience loose or greasy stools if too much oil is given at once.  In this case, decrease the amount given.  Otherwise, dogs may gain weight from the addition of the oil to their diet.  If this happens, decrease the amount of food or treats that are provided, or add an extra 5 – 10 minutes to your dog’s daily walk.