Wednesday 30 November 2016


Stiff joints can occur at any age. Is your dog showing these signs of joint discomfort?            
Slowing down, stiffness, or spending lots of time asleep isn’t always down to laziness or being very aged. To achieve healthy, flexible joints some pets just need a little extra support from key nutrients. Soothing the stiffness and helping your pet feel more comfortable can really put the spring back in their step. Below are four top tips to help with joint discomfort.
Give your dog short bursts of exercise.  A 10 minutes trot at their own pace does more good than forcing the dog to jog after you or to walk 2 miles. Exercise helps to maintain muscle tone and strength but for an older dog it needs to be less frantic.  The animal needs to sniff the pee mails and read the dog blogs. That stimulation is a form of exercise.
Feed your dog less each day to bring down the weight a little. Being overweight, both in people and animals has been shown to give them problems with arthritis and breathlessness.
My elderly dog loves her well-padded and warm bed. I am sure all other older dogs probably feel the same about their beds. If they are suffering from any joint pains, it helps to have a soft, comfy bed to crash out in.​ A daily rub down on the sore bits will be very welcomed by your dog.
Giving your dog a daily joint supplement will help to ease joint discomfort and stabilise the aching parts. I give my dog a tablet of YuMove in her food plus half a teaspoon of powdered Glaucosamine.  She also gets 6 drops of Abidec, children's vitamins in liquid form and two pillules of Nelson's homeopathic remedy, Rhus Tox, twice a day in her food.  All these things combined have so far helped her arthritis and she is full of energy for a 15 year old.  She can just about run up three flights of stairs with a bit of help from me. Mind you, she does have to build up the puff before she can rush up the first flight.

I bought a hoist  (see pic above) to help her up the stairs when her joints are particularly stiff.  Wrapped around her middle and with handles, it raises her a tad, it makes her feel independent enough to make it up the stairs.
No one has yet made a zimmer frame for elderly dogs but give me enough time and I am sure I will think of something!
******************************************************************************************************                                          Some Trivia........INSECT GENITALIA
Do you remember a few months ago I told you about the exploding dangly bits of ants?
I explained to you how the genitals of a male flying ant explode after mating, and you lot seemed to really enjoy reading about that. So, I thought I'd give you a little update because, as it turns out, ants aren't the only insects to lose their bits in this way – the same thing happens to bees. The queen bee takes flight and, after the fastest male has caught up with her and they've done the deed, the male's genitals and abdomen explode. Tiny bee genital fireworks. Right above your heads. And for that image, you're more than welcome.


This is a MUST HAVE number to keep for those middle of the night- scary- emergency moments that can happen when your dog suddenly gets taken ill. How often have you called an Emergency vet to be told that the initial fee will be a gulp- inducing £200 before treatment?  I know someone who has used The Paw Squad veterinary service recently and they were most impressed with the affordable prices, the wonderful way the vet on duty handled the dog and the reassuring calm with which they handled the situation.  And all three vets are ladies.
Your dedicated family vet to look after your pet at home, at a  similar price to a traditional vet visit.
Book an Appointment
Or call 0203 322 1725

£48 Consultation, no call-out fee Evenings & Weekends
Also available for 24/7 support via video or text
Dr Sinead Clancy BSc BVetSci BVM BVS MRCVS


                                             My blog aims to give useful information for dog owners.

My elderly dog hates going to a grooming parlour because of the hot air blower compartments that she has to sit in. She often comes home traumatised and trembling.  I have solved the problem by using a lovely groomer named STEVE, 07931768012.  He comes to the home, brings all his kit, works on the dog, who is relaxed because it is in its own environment with people they know and the end result is a beautifully groomed animal full of the joys of life.
Nothing at all to do with dogs but I thought you would get a chuckle out of seeing this video.

                 Until the next blog, wrap up warm and enjoy scuffing through the fallen leaves.

                                                              DAWN ("^")