Friday 12 October 2012


You feel sure you are getting pudgy in all the wrong places. And the dog ...well? is he/she beginning to look quite porky too? If you happen to see your dog getting into a rut, laying around, nervous or edgy - DO SOMETHING WITH ’EM.  If you have the dog you want - don't take it for granted- keep it vibrant and happy with plenty of worthwhile physical and mental exercise. Your dog’s exercise needs  no seasons.

Forget joining the gym. Save yourself a fortune.  Its cheaper to have a brisk walk twice a day and  within a few weeks you will shed the muffin tops, thunder thighs, tummy bloat and breathlessness, simply by getting up early and going for a walk with the dog. Whisking them for just a quick walk around the block for a sniff and a pee does not constitute exercise for both of you. Nor is it kind to simply lock it out in the garden for half an hour a day.

Many people say "Oh! but he won't go for a walk so I don't force him. He is happiest sniffing the lamp post outside the door!"  Hmm! that reeks of laziness on your part and this attitude can be picked up by your dog.  All dogs will walk - even if they dig in their heels for the first few times - if you start off with 10 minutes a day letting them read pee-mails, leave their own blogs and generally take their time, this stimulates their senses and soon the need to go out becomes exciting.

However, when the weather is wet and cold, then no one feels like braving the elements. Here are some in- door ways to excite and make them get exercise at the same time.

The Tug of War

The Tug is a terrific invention because all that yanking and pulling is akin to making your dog do pull ups on a bar. However, you need to be aware of the risk. It's a game that brings out the predator in your dog and can be unhealthy for your relationship if you don't have trust and respect to begin with. You need to have control over your dog's power and instincts before you can engage in a healthy game of tug of war with them.  After 10 minutes of pretend growling, vigorously shaking the tug, toy or towel, and pulling as hard as it can,  your dog gives itself a nice work out.

Throwing a ball with a chucker

Another simple but great idea, thought up by someone who obviously had a lightbulb moment after getting arm ache from throwing the ball for the dog to catch.  The vets dislike this gizmo as it can cause injuries to ligaments and joints when dogs throw themselves about, but the chucker  does make the ball go a long way and this makes the dog run faster to retrieve it.  After 20 minutes, the dog should be panting heavily.  That's the signs of a good aerobic work out.

Make your your dog run up and down the stairs

Using the stairs is a great way to tire out your dog. The steps add an additional challenge to a dog’s workout, as they engage different muscles than those used on a regular walk or run and add an extra level of difficulty with the change in elevation. Stand at the top of the stairs and throw a toy down to your dog. When your dog grabs the toy, call his name and have him bring the toy to you. After several rounds of this, he’ll be panting.

Frisbee throwing
This flat disc was first used in the 60s by american college kids,  and has since been universally high jacked by dog owners as the perfect way to exercise the dogs.

Light, durable and almost chew-proof, this is a wonderful way to get your dog flying through the air with the greatest of ease, and gives your dog a chance to show off its athlethic abilities when it  has to run fast, jump high and catch the frisbee.

Indoor Hide-and-Seek

Regular games of indoor hide-and-seek can be one of the most enjoyable activities you can do with your dog.
Hide somewhere, call the dog's name and wait for him/her to start looking for you. Leaping out and shouting "Boo" startles and excites them and they want to play tag with you.  This is one of my favourite indoor games that can be played at anytime of the day or night, in any season.

If none of these methods of exercise for your pooch appeal to you, then I would suggest you cajole a mechanically minded, creative friend to devise a ball throwing machine such as the one shown in this video.  Problem solved and you need never step out of the house.

Doggy joke!

Little Harold was practicing the 
violin in the living room while his 
father was trying to read in the den.

The family dog was lying in the den, and as
 the screeching sounds of little Harold's violin
 reached his ears, he began to howl loudly.

The father listened to the dog and the 
violin as long as he could. Then he jumped up,
 slammed his paper to the floor and yelled above the noise, 
"For pity's sake, can't you play something the dog doesn't know?"

Did you know ...... contrary to popular belief, one dog year is not equal to seven human years. A one- year- old- puppy has reached approximately the same stage of development as a 15-year old human. A 2-year-old-puppy is roughly equivalent in development to a 24 four-year-old human. After that, each dog year equals four human years. These numbers differ between breeds.  (One of those interesting but stupid  and utterly confusing facts!)

Until the next blog, enjoy whatever you plan on doing.
Dawn (.".")